Though there is no universal chemical visualiztion program, recently I am in love with PyMol
The figures in the movie in my post: A miniature guy: Reaction Path is from PyMOl.
my comments:
note: [b] means the button 'b' .
+ open source
+ Python language support
(i.e., huge possibility for internal data manipulation → good math → good graphics !)
+ its POVRAY implementation is a cool one especialy with [RAY].
+ excellent wiki/manual suport, more web tutorials.
+ excellent wiki/manual suport, more web tutorials.
+ coming more
- Not very easy to get, licensed.
- figure from a saved POVRAY and PyMol's [RAY]generated one differs!
- coming more
- Not very easy to get, licensed.
- figure from a saved POVRAY and PyMol's [RAY]
- coming more